Thursday, April 18, 2013

Simple C Program to get the kth node from last in a linked list

This can be done in single traversal using two pointers . First move to the kth node from first and point it using temp pointer . Point the head node using another pointer called kthnodefromlast .Now Move the temp pointer and kthnodefromlast to next node till temp node reaches the end of the linked list.



 For the above linked list kth(k=3) node from last is 5.

 Code:(in C)
Time Complexity : O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)

 Please let me know if you have any questions .

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

C Program to swap kth node from first and kth node from last in a Linked List

Consider you have the following linked list and you want to swap second node from first and second node from last .

The steps are given below .

     1)Get the size of the linked list . If the size is less than k you can't swap the element . And in the above linked list if k value is 3 you dont need to swap the element .
     2)The two pointers kthnodefromfirst and kthnodefromlast used to point the nodes that we need to swap and its previous nodes are pointed using previous1,previous2.
     3)swap the two nodes . And while swapping you need to check whether you are swapping the head or not . Its one of the important test case .

Code:(in C)

Time Complexity : O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)

Please let me know if you have any questions .

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Simple C Program to check whether the given Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not

This can be done in many ways . The simplest way is by using the Inorder Traversal . If we traverse a binary search tree using inorder traversal all the elements are in sorted order .

For the above binary search tree Inorder traversal is

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7

In the following code flag is used like a boolean varible . In the Inorder traversal if the elements are not in sorted order flag is set to 0 . The variable 'min' is used to store the previous value in inorder traversal . Initially it is assigned to the mininum integer value possible which is -32768.

Code :(in C)

Please let me know if you have any questions .