Wednesday, May 22, 2013

C Program to delete the node in the linked list where you will be given the node to delete but not the head pointer .


Consider the above linked list and you are given the node 4 and you have to delete that node . In this scenario you don't have the head pointer . At some point you might think that this is not possible . Because we need to make its previous node 3 to point it to the node 5  like this      1->2->3->5->6->7->NULL and you dont have reference to node 3 . Think about it .......

Is there any way to do it !!! ??? Yes there is a way to do it .

Steps are given below .

1. You have reference to node 4 and you can traverse nodes 5,6,7 . Now copy the data from node 5 and store it in node 4 . So it will become
1->2->3->5->5->6->7->NULL . 
2.Now delete the 5th node . you have its previous node and next node . so deleting will be simple .
But there is an Exception 
Deleting the last node is not possible .If the linked list is 1->2->3->4->NULL and if you want to delete 4th node its not possible .

Code :(in C)

Please let me know if you have any questions .

Monday, May 6, 2013

Iterative code for Inorder Traversal in C - Binary Tree

Iterative code for inorder traversal uses Stack to print the tree in inorder. The idea behind this code is to push the elements into stack , popping and printing it . 

Steps are given below 

     1. Get the root element and left side children and push it into stack .
     2. Pop the element from stack , print it and check whether is has right child or not . If it has push right child and its left children into stack . 
     3. Continue step 2 until there is no element in stack . 

For the above diagram inorder traversal is 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Code :(in C)

Please let me know if you have any questions . 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Simple C Program to get the kth node from last in a linked list

This can be done in single traversal using two pointers . First move to the kth node from first and point it using temp pointer . Point the head node using another pointer called kthnodefromlast .Now Move the temp pointer and kthnodefromlast to next node till temp node reaches the end of the linked list.



 For the above linked list kth(k=3) node from last is 5.

 Code:(in C)
Time Complexity : O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)

 Please let me know if you have any questions .